Monday, July 29, 2013

The most popular souvenir in Taiwan: Pineapple Shortcake

If you visit Switzerland, for sure you'll bring some boxes of chocolates home. What will you bring home if you visit Taiwan? Yes, Pineapple Shortcake!! They are extremely tasty and popular.

Here is my own version with sweet potato as an addition in the filling. Why? Not only because sweet potato has a lot of health benefits and its sweetness matched well with the sourness of pineapples, but it's also a symbol of Taiwan. Taiwan is a narrow shaped island just like a sweet potato. I would like to call my pineapple shortcake, the Formosa Pineapple Shortcake, to recognize my beloved home country. It will be my first product if I decide to market it.

Enjoy a piece of nice pineapple shortcake with a cup of coffee or tea. How wonderful life is!

Common filling is on the left, with just pineapple paste. My own creation with sweet potatoes is on the right.

White-soup Vegetarian Japanese Ramen

Unlike the traditional Japanese white soup which was made with pork ribs, I use tomatoes/onions/coconut milk to create this vegetarian counterpart. It's really tasty by the way.

Another one with my homemade vegetarian paddy. My husband also got a pig, a vegetarian one, in the middle of this udon soup. ;-)

Vegetarian/Allergen-free Triangle Onigiris

I made these for a play day with a Swiss family. They love them, too!

Vegetarian without seaweed wrap:

Kids' curry rice: Vegetarian and Allergen-free

The keys of a successful kids' meal:

Presentation, presentation, and presentation!



Sushi Rolls: Vegetarian and allergen-free

 These are hybrid sushi rolls (Japanese/Taiwanese/Californian). ;-) My own babies!!


Allergen-free Crispy Salty Monkey Head Mushrooms

In Switzerland, it’s not easy to get vegetarian ingredients for Taiwanese/Chinese cuisines. Most of time, they need to be imported (thanks to my sister in Taiwan!) and I need to be more creative myself. This time I learned how to process dried hericium (also called Monkey Head Mushrooms) from the web. It can replace the traditional imitation meat and it’s even better from the health and nutrition perspectives. Best of all, now my little son can enjoy everything on the table!!

After becoming a vegetarian, I often get comments from my friends in U.S.:”I missed your crispy salty chicken.” Now you can try this new vegan/allergen-free version!!